Saturday, December 8, 2012


I was 14 years old when Shirley married Julius Silverman, bookie, tough guy of Malden. I like to call it 'Schlepped Along For the Ride." I spent ten years  living in that house on 45 Lillian Road. What went on in that house would make your hair stand on end. The public face we presented to the world was 'everything is fine'. Nothing could be further from the truth. We, Julius, Barry and I all had to pretend that 'everything is fine.' We acted our way through life. No more. I am too old and tired - I don't have the energy for that.

This blog is about telling the truth. No secrets. No pretending. With that as a preface, I received the following voicemail message from Barry on November 27, 2012 at 10:28 am :

"listen to me very carefully....
you are f***in' dead to me
you understand ?
you f***in' lunatic
i might go out and have a drink just to f***in' spite you
but don't worry about it because you are no longer my health care proxy
you     are      dead    to     me"

Ok then......that's it for me. And this came from sober Barry during the last week of his outpatient Rehab. Gee, tell me how you really feel. He has become Julius Jr., tough guy. I had to take it back then from Shirley, not now, not anymore.


Christine said...

Etude. Barry and I knew each other a long, long time ago. Wishing your chosen family peace.

carol said...

Christine....I appreciate your comment. How are you using Etude? Meaning ? Sounds like maybe you knew him in high school ? Guessing... I wrote this post after our mother passed away on June 27,2012...unexpectedly ....and a few days after the funeral, Barry went to detox and physical therapy- then rehab at Mclean. I was exhausted + did not deserve the angry rant. Not ever. We have not been in touch for six years until this year, may 25th. He emailed me re. getting a headstone for our mother. We are communicating about that. Hopefully the stone will go in before the winter.