Sunday, December 26, 2021


 I posted this 'throwback' photo ten years ago. I came across an article in the that expands on this Sign. Here is an excerpt:

Chinese people didn’t look down on Jews as being less American in terms of Westernness because Jews were a lot closer to being perceived that way than they were,” Lee said. “It was also very exotic and cosmopolitan and a way to impress girls when you go on dates. And it tastes good!”

A Forverts advertisement from Dec. 2, 1922 speaks to this social phenomenon.

“YOU MUST eat and dance with us, where you’ll feel at home,” reads an ad from Tangerine Gardens on Flatbush Avenue and Fulton Street. Another 1922 ad from the restaurant boasts of nightly entertainment from 5-9 PM, a huge dance floor and seating that banquet accommodations for up to 600 guests.

While many of today’s Chinese bistros are less extravagant, they still serve a festive function. Around Christmas, American Jews can feel alienated, and so the communal aspect of eating out proves essential to surviving the season.

 Read the whole article here.

Friday, December 17, 2021


Chanukah came early this year and ended just before Roby's yahrtzeit, 11 Tevet in the jewish calendar and 12.17.2010. Bernice sent me a lot of photos of Roby after he passed away. 

Here he is looking very fine at their apartment in Killington, VT.



Below is a photo of the Arch of Titus in Rome. It depicts the Romans carrying off the Menorah and other ritual objects after destroying the Temple of Solomon in 70 AD. Bernice told me they visited it when the took a trip to Italy. Somewhere I have some photos of that.


Deb sent me a pair of 'Sassy' socks. Laurie gave me a pair of Chanukah socks and a Chanukah mug ! I heard some bad news from my friends in Willits. Pam has breast cancer, very preliminary stage. Sending healing energy to Pam ! She emailed me. She sounds good, still working and said she feels good. I heard from Alan Z. yesterday and Ken J. Ken sent Neil Young, Til the Morning Comes.