My friends Ron and Pam who live in Mendocino county had to come back east in September because Ron's dad passed away. Since they were in New York, they came to Boston to visit with me and Ron's former roommate Richard in Newton.
They arrived September 28th on Erev Rosh Hashanah. Barry and Ron and Pam and my friend Dorothy came over for dinner. Barry made the grass fed, kosher brisket which takes a couple of days and he did a fabulous job. It came out delicious. Dorothy made the salad and I was in charge of veggies. I hadn't seen them since I left Berkeley in June, 1998.
After 13 years it was kind of amazing to see them in my living room and having coffee in the morning - making funny faces and serious ones - for those who might not know, Ron stands out, even in Willits !
We went for walks, around the reservoir near me, and up Lancaster terrace to Summit avenue where there is a great view of the city and a park.

We watched the World Series and got to see some really good baseball even though the Red Sox weren't in it. Ron is a baseball aficianado since growing up in the Bronx and Long Island. The Yankees were playing the Texas Rangers so Ron + Pam rooted for the Yankees but I could not do that - Pam suggested getting some incense to 'cleanse' my apartment of Yankee 'vibes'.
We went up to the tenth floor deck of my building and had fun taking pictures before they took off.