What a week ! Barry has completed 36 days of sobriety he told me today - he gets a badge which I think is terrific. Talking to him is like talking to a different person now. He said "I've laughed more in the four days I've been here than I have all year". Good. He's in good spirits and the admissions person, John, told me the other day "he's thriving." Also good. One day at a time.
I just got back from TBZ. After such a hectic week, Shabbat services have become very meditative. Plus I say Kaddish. Today I would use the word 'synchronicity." I met a woman sitting in the lobby by the door as I was leaving for the Temple. She asked if I could help her. She was using a cane, the kind with four legs and she said she wanted to go to the Temple. I said I am going there, let's go together. During the service I mentioned Rose Bronstein, my third grade Hebrew school teacher and she exclaimed, " Rose was my best friend; we both taught at Hebrew College !" Just amazing.
Wednesday I went to Shirley's apartment - very tough.........more on that later.........