Happy Thanksgiving to everyone. I have neglected the Sandler Family Archives blog but plan to be back up + running filling in my summer adventures. I hope Bernice is feeling better and that everything is well with Ken and Ellen. I am indulging in revisionist history just like governments and history books. Please check out july, august, september and october as I catch up.
I went to my friend David's sister's house on Thanksgiving. Her son Alex entertained us with his piano playing most of the evening. David's mother was there, his sister and her husband, older son Ben who brought his girlfriend Nicole for the first time and younger son, Alex who is a senior at University of Chicago.
The main reason I neglected the blog is I have been in excruciating TMJ pain since March 2017. My jaw is out of alignment. I've been going to Jaw Therapy since May. I have seen since six dentists since March. Yikes ! A real nightmare dental debacle. Currently I don't have pain at rest. It's freed up more energy. I feel better but still fighting with dentists and insurance companies...like a lot of other people in corporate america. I still can't chew and have to eat soft and liquid food. Ok, enough of that.