Tonight is the first night of Chanukah. Thinking of Roby and the Arch of Titus.
HAPPY CHANUKAH. Design: Carol Miller. Coated paper + post - it. 2017.
Visitors can go to Rome and see the Arch of Titus commemorating the Destruction of the Temple of the Solomon by the Romans in 70 AD. Word is that Italian Jews refused to walk under the Arch until the creation of the state of Israel in 1948. The Italian Jewish community is among the oldest Jewish communities in the world. Jews lived there during the time when the Temple of Solomon was standing.
David came over with latkes from the Butcherie ! We lit the candles and ate latkes.
I went to my friend Bette's apartment for candle lighting. Miriam was there and we lit the candles and sang Chanukah songs. And we watched a video of the Yeshiva Boys Choir singing their big hit, over 2,000,000 hits on YouTube, Those Were the Nights of Chanukah. Click
here. Laurie came over around 9:00. We lit the candles in my house, sang songs and told Yiddish jokes.