Friday, September 17, 2021



My Happy Birthday playlist includes the entire Eagles Hotel California album, 1977, LIVE at the Capitol Center. I can still jump up and down and dance like Joe Walsh, no small thing at age 39.  😎 

2021 has been a tough year with Covid restrictions, etc. but there was a silver lining.  My college roommate, freshman year contacted me, Deb M. despite it being "...52 years since we were freshmen" ! Now we are in touch all the time - it's great ! We will talk later and I will open the gift she sent me while we are on the phone ! LOL......and also it has been wonderful re-connecting with Alan of the Zorfas branch of the Sandler family. More below.

I talked to my aunt Bernice for the first time in a long time. I called her about the letter she sent me including an article from the Sisterhood of Temple Beth Am regarding Mental Health and the Power of Music. It discusses how the parents of a young man with a mental illness became involved with NAMI and helped their son. Extraordinarily inspiring ! It means a lot to re-connect with Bernice.

Thinking of all the Sandlers who are gone now. I said Kaddish for all of them yesterday, Yom Kippor; Ruthie, Roby and Shirley and Bubbe and Zaidy. I almost connected with the Sandler/Zorfas family last Sunday. Alan Zorfas came out of the woodwork after 40 years when he found this blog almost a year ago. He invited me to an Open House at his cousin's home in Newton. The Zorfas's planned a gathering for Irene's unveiling in Sharon. Unfortunately the Open House was cancelled due to Covid concerns. Alas and alack, I found out the Open House was cancelled on Rosh Hashana just before services ! Disappointing but Alan says he will return to see his son who lives in Cambridge I think.

Wonderful to hear from my friends in California singing Happy Birthday to me in perfect harmony ! Thank you Ron + Pam...:-) 

 âš¾ So naturally Ron + I had to talk some baseball even though he is a Yankees fan, being from Nuevo York and all.....the Sox were # 1 in the Eastern division almost the entire first half of the season. After the All Star break, they imploded ! They spiralled down, they played terrible, and then half the team got Covid. Now we are duking it out for a Wild Card spot with the Yankees and the Blue Jays who have crawled their way back to third place after being out of it by ten games. Very aggressive team. Anything can happen.