Sunday, July 8, 2012


I am beginning to feel burn out. Overload. Too much. Emotional stress - thank you everybody who reads this blog and emails me with words of comfort - it really helps not to feel alone with all this death and dying going on. Even Aunt Ruth called this morning with, if not exactly words of comfort, more like orders to 'keep living and eat Carol, did you hear what I said - we are living ! you have to take care of yourself !"

I always said I could not deal with both of them at once. I am not happy the universe has seen fit to make it so. 

I have to step back. 

1 comment:

carol said...

Thanks to everyone who emailed me privately, heartily agreeing with Aunt Ruth's advice - I did get some good rest yesterday and am on my way to Aquatherapy which I missed for three weeks...