What a wonderful day !
Jane and I and Bill and Bruce set off to Allston Open Studios, only ten minutes away from 1550 Beacon Street, located in an industrial area near the commuter rail. I went primarily to see the work of three artists, Evelyn Berde, Louise Weinberg and David Weinberg, photographer. Open Studios is the opportunity to step inside an artist's studio space and purchase their work directly from the artist.
I love the work of Evelyn Berde. In September, Jane and I and Tobey went to the West End Museum to see her mixed media installation piece, Leaving The River. I will write a separate post about that - it works on so many levels it's incredible. I bought a few of Evelyn's cards. I asked her if she had a card of "The Rabbi and Me," one of my favorite paintings. She said "no, but I will give you a print, just let me sign it" - I was stunned, but thrilled. She really is a wonderful and exceptional person.
I love The Rabbi and Me. When I first saw it in her studio it immediately reminded me of Dorchester. That red brick building, the Rabbi; I thought of 104 American Legion Highway, the Woodrow Avenue shul. It turns out it depicts the West End (of Boston) which was in the process of being demolished in the name of 'urban renewal' while Evelyn was growing up. That is her in the picture, drawing Jewish stars on the red brick wall - the Rabbi taught her how to draw them. When I read that, I approached her and said that I was from Dorchester - she hugged me.
Newsflash ! In all three artist's studios, there was an iPad. Evelyn had hers running a slide show of the West End Museum exhibit. In Louise's studio, after looking at her drawings and paintings, I noticed a table which had 8 1/2 x 11 pictures labelled, iPad Drawings ! And they were nice ! Soon a crowd gathered as Louise gave us a demo of drawing on the iPad. Welcome to the 21st century world of Art.
In David Weinberg's studio you can see photos of Hollywood, Florida and the Hilltop Steakhouse where the Silverman family often went when I was in high school.
Jane and I and Bill and Bruce set off to Allston Open Studios, only ten minutes away from 1550 Beacon Street, located in an industrial area near the commuter rail. I went primarily to see the work of three artists, Evelyn Berde, Louise Weinberg and David Weinberg, photographer. Open Studios is the opportunity to step inside an artist's studio space and purchase their work directly from the artist.
I love the work of Evelyn Berde. In September, Jane and I and Tobey went to the West End Museum to see her mixed media installation piece, Leaving The River. I will write a separate post about that - it works on so many levels it's incredible. I bought a few of Evelyn's cards. I asked her if she had a card of "The Rabbi and Me," one of my favorite paintings. She said "no, but I will give you a print, just let me sign it" - I was stunned, but thrilled. She really is a wonderful and exceptional person.

Newsflash ! In all three artist's studios, there was an iPad. Evelyn had hers running a slide show of the West End Museum exhibit. In Louise's studio, after looking at her drawings and paintings, I noticed a table which had 8 1/2 x 11 pictures labelled, iPad Drawings ! And they were nice ! Soon a crowd gathered as Louise gave us a demo of drawing on the iPad. Welcome to the 21st century world of Art.
In David Weinberg's studio you can see photos of Hollywood, Florida and the Hilltop Steakhouse where the Silverman family often went when I was in high school.
What an interesting trip you had and since I had not heard of these artists, I clicked on your links (thanks). Very talented people! How did you learn of them? One is a PhD AND an MD, how does he find the time? What was his connection to Hollywood FL?
Hope you had a nice Thanksgiving, we did, joined neighborhood friends for a delicious meal and evening.
I know as Nov 29 approaches that you, Ellen, Jeff, Bernice and all the grandkids and great-kids will be thinking of him on what would have been his 88th birthday. May your wonderful memories of him comfort you and help ease the pain of this significant loss in your lives.
Great to hear from you Molly ! And you read my mind, all of our minds I'm sure. I already started composing another post about my wonderful uncle Roby who I do miss so much. Baseball season was very bittersweet - we used to talk about the Red Sox all the time. (I will write more about the historic meltdown)
I'm glad you looked at the links. Last year a friend invited me to go to Open Studios to see the work of the three artists I wrote about. That's when I met Evelyn Berde ! Louise Weinberg teaches a drawing class at the Brookline Senior Center and I know many people in that class. My friend Riva had taken Louise's class and Evelyn had a show at the Senior Center…….connection there. David Weinberg is Louise's husband and I don't know him. He's always talking to someone when I'm there so I haven't had a chance to speak to him and ask him "how does he find the time ?" LOL...The picture of that Hilltop Steak House is like a magnet to my past. We went there so often - Barry would kick me under the table - like the little boy he was. They are known for their Popovers ! LOL…I'm planning to take Louise's drawing class in February.
I'm really glad you like The Rabbi and Me too ! I am sure Evelyn would be happy to send you a print of it. I will email her contact info. And I want to hear about Rita's grand daughter and MICA.
Thank you for all of your wonderful support, Carol. I took "Leaving The River" down from the Brookline Library this week and everything is in boxes in my studio. Oy! What a mess it is!! Hope you and your family had a happy Thanksgiving.
Peace to you.
Great way to introduce people to Evelyn's work - nicely done!
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