Friday, January 25, 2019


JAN. 25, 2019
Open up, it's the FBI. Familiar words. This time they went to Roger Stone's house, hauled him out of bed and arrested him in shackles at 6:30 am. Over a dozen friends of the the president have pleaded guilty and gone to jail. "Witch hunt" says the prez. "The noose is tightening" says MSNBC.

I was living in Wash.D.C. during the Watergate hearings. The best political theater no one could dream up - Woodward + Bernstein, All The President's Men, Robert Redford. We were all glued to our TVs watching those hearings. I was working at Georgetown University library in the Government Documents department. Usually a snoozefest in terms of library users. Imagine my surprise when I got to work and found a line outside the door ! Folks were lining up to read the transcripts of those hearings ! Pre-internet if you can possibly imagine it. If you were a Hollywood script writer all they had to do was write down the events occuring daily.

Fast Forward - 2019. Same thing only worse - Global, 'colluding' with a foreign power, Russia - my Zaidy is turning in his grave. He fled Shepetovka to get away from the Czar's army - now they are messing with our elections and our President - YIKES    YIKES AND YIKES AGAIN !

When will he get 'the hook' ? Tried for Treason ?!  Robert Mueller, hurry up ! 

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