Friday, July 12, 2019


Thinking of years have gone by, June 27, 2012. By the jewish calendar, the date is July 11th. Her birthday was July 5th. Perhaps I will start blogging about the Malden years.

Aunt Ruth's yahrtzeit, July 11, 2016. Three years ago. Her birthday was July 14th - Bastille Day ?

On June 15th I went to a Bar Mitzvah. My friend Bette's grandson got Bar Mitzvahed at TBZ next door. It was very different than most in a really good way. The Bar Mitzvah boy, Nate did a fabulous job chanting his Torah portion. In addition he sang three songs by popular singers including the Orthodox rapper Matisyahu with musical accompaniment. I've never seen that. Very original and creative.

I was invited to the party at 7:00. It was the best time. It was in the backyard, hanging lanterns, tables, a D.J., dancing and the food was delicious. I love parties in the backyard instead of a formal venue. I even danced with Miriam, another good friend of Bette's. We had a blast !

I met an interesting woman there, Paula K. Turns out she also lived in California for a long time. She worked at NASA HQ and Boeing ! Wow. I think she is a journalist. She is writing a book about the future which she thinks of as 'reality-based science.' I said 'science fiction' ? No. When I mentioned I read a lot of science fiction in my youth, Ray Bradbury, A. E. van Vogt, Isaac Asimov, she casually said she had met a lot of them. Color me impressed. :) That night the moon was almost full, big and bright. I noticed it during the party. As we were leaving, I saw Paula standing by herself looking at the moon. We had a short exchange about it.....interesting woman.....we've exchanged emails. I'd love to talk to her again.


YIKES ! Yes I've become a news junkie, breaking news on a daily basis as we struggle to cope with a Presidency which governs by sowing chaos and discord. Whoever thought one man could single handedly dismantle our Democracy and our democratic institutions, i.e., the Senate, the Judicial Branch, the Supreme Court. Our Democracy is hanging on by a thread, it's in tatters. The titillating story of the summer, Jeffrey Epstein and 20 Democratic candidates trying to beat T***p. I hope someone does. As of this writing I am not sure they can pull it off. I wish they would stop fighting amongst themselves, unite and come up with a strategy of how to beat him. Reporters sometimes ask the WOMEN about their 'Electability.' All candidates should be asked that question, not just the women.

What's going on at the Southern Border, as well as being immoral and inhumane, requires a whole other post.

My one positive caveat is seeing more women being elected to Congress, six female presidential candidates.....I think they will make a difference even if I don't agree with everything "the Squad" says, it is refreshing to see more women in positions of power.

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