Thursday, December 19, 2019


So much is going on. The President is Impeached. I can't believe I have lived through three presidents getting impeached. Just as I was glued to to the TV during the Watergate hearings and the titillating Clinton impeachment, I can't tear myself away from the debacle otherwise known as our government, i.e. the Intelligence Committee hearings led by Adam Schiff, the Judiciary Committee hearings led by Gerry Nadler and the Articles of Impeachment hearings being discussed before the Judiciary Committee. And I was spellbound watching our elected representatives casting their vote, yea or no to impeach along with commentary.

LIFE IS NOT THE SAME living in a Monarchy or a Fascist Dictatorship, take your pick.
It looks the same, (although we are seeing effects of climate change.) but it isn't.

It's hard to believe watching the Republicans denying reality and the FACTS. Put another way, the Republican party is officially a FACT FREE party. Denying the facts. In fact the Republican party has defaulted to the Party of Trump. It's become a cult. It's viscerally painful to watch Democracy go down in tatters. We are hanging on by a thread. We are out on a historical limb that we have never been before.

I remember learning about the separation of powers in the Robert Treat Paine School in Dorchester. The history book (yes we had books back then in the stone age) said we have an Executive Branch, the Legislative Branch and the Judicial Branch. Today, the only functioning branch we have is the House of Representatives led by my hero, Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi. The Executive branch is corrupt. The Judicial branch is corrupt led by William Barr, a Trump toadie.

I feel like we are living in a real life version of Invasion of the Body Snatchers. (the best version is the original with Kevin McCarthy, Shirley and I loved it.) Listening to the Republicans casting their vote throughout the day, I marveled at their denial of facts, their complete willingness to not care about the president asking the Ukranian president to "do us a favor though" while he held up financial aid and weapons WHILE THEY WERE FIGHTING A WAR AGAINST THE RUSSIANS IN CRIMEA. UKRANIANS DIED while he held up the aid.

My Zaidy is twirling in his grave. Bubbe and Zaidy schlepped from Russia to live in a Democracy in 1910. 109 years later, Democracy is hanging on by a thread, not just here in America but all over the world. Democracy is taking a hit while Fascist dictatorships are making a comeback.

Everyone wants their Empire back. Russia, the Muslims want their Caliphate (Jihadists), North Korea and South American dictatorships. AND WE HAVE A PRESIDENT WHO ADMIRES THEM and not western democracies.


Trump should be tried for Treason. I don't know why he gets away with denying Russian interference in our elections. He quotes Putin ! "Well he said he didn't do it..." YIKES !

We are going backwards. Coming of age in the 60's brought civil rights and social change. Sixty years later. I am watching the Republican party, consisting of almost ALL WHITE MEN overturn rights for everybody except WHITE MEN. It's hard to take. They don't want anybody else to have any rights, not women, not people of color, only white men. Many of those republican men spoke of the 'rights of the 'unborn'. Such hypocrisy makes me want to throw up. Where are those people when unwanted babies are born ? Nowhere to be found ! And this is all about overturning Roe v. Wade which might actually happen in my lifetime. It is unbearable for women not to have control over our own bodies. Why do men think they have a right to dictate what women can and cannot do ? Are Republican women brain dead ? More and more draconian laws have passed limiting or restricting abortion by MEN. That's all they seem to do;pass laws about taking control of womens' bodies.

Trump has packed the courts with 187 conservative judges and counting. The conservative agenda will continue long after Trump is gone. Frightening.

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