Thursday, December 14, 2023


 I felt a sense of urgency to light my Chanukah menorah in light of the massacres of Israelis by Hamas and because so far in America, no one is banging me over the head, preventing me from doing it. In light of the astronomical level of anti- Semitism we are experiencing, here is carol’s Chanukah Fraught With Meaning Still Life, 2023.

Bernice gave me this Menorah after Robby’s funeral, while sitting shiva in her house. She said it was Bubbie’s but I never saw it before. The two traditional chanukiot/menorahs to the right and left belonged to my dear neighbor, Bernice Wyzanski. She is in the photo to the far left at her 90th birthday party. I took that picture. No one in the Wyzanski family wanted them. Her son Mark asked if I wanted them. I love the traditional shape. You see that shape on ancient synagogue columns in Israel dating back to the Temple of Solomon.

The dreidel shaped candy dish was from Bernice. Mark said it was filled with Chanukah gelt, chocolate coins wrapped in gold foil. Roby is seen making latkes The three dreidels were given to me by my friend Laurie whose mother gave them to her. 

Happy Chanukah everyone !

Am Yisrael Chai !


Anonymous said...

To hear your voice on the cell phone talk with you for awhile as if we almost forgot on how to talk to listen...oh Hanukkah what a gift for many years many memories stored to see the light...And, now so rare from you an e-mail to us with your personal display!...We have 3 menorahs in our display but only lit one up...Thanks for including us as if not now when...LOVE..RON and PAM making a struggling dinner knowing this time you might just show up...

carol said...

yes, dayenu hearing your voice ‘as if we forgot on how to talk to listen’ plus reading your letter from Puerto Rico from 47 years ago ! And yes, ‘knowing this time I might just show up ‘ !