Sunday, January 21, 2018


#RESIST. It's very empowering to see thousands of young women and women of all ages marching in the streets all over the country and globally. As a member of the womens movement in the '70's, I am happy to see so many women coming out, marching and running for elected office right now. Historically, more women are running for elected, leadership positions than ever. It is Awesome. Hoping for some good policy changes. Also hoping that shutting down the government does not blow up in the Democrats faces in the mid-term elections.
I was not out there marching yesterday. Instead I was home, furiously trying to get rid of clutter and re-arrange my living room to create space to work on my synagogue project.

In 1996 I attended the EDRA conference in Boston, the Environmental Design Research Association had its annual conference in the Parker House hotel. I presented my work, On the Meaning of the Synagogue on two 23 x36 " poster size sheets which was the mode of presentation, not writing a paper and giving a talk. When I got to the conference, the hot topic that year was Prison Design. I thought no one would be interested in my topic, how the synagogue emerged from the the first two Jewish temples, the Tabernacle in the Desert, the Mishkan and the Temple of Solomon. I was Wrong. I had a crowd.

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