Saturday, August 4, 2018


Happy Birthday belated to Bernice !  July 11th.
Bernice's birthday coincides with Aunt Ruth's second yahrtzeit.

Since I heard from Barry on May 25th I've been working on getting a stone for Shirley. I've been to the monument company twice, visited a rabbi to make sure the hebrew inscription is correct and a couple of trips to the cemetery. Update: I need another trip to the cemetery to finalize the design.

It's been insanely hot here - over 90 degree days; last week, 100 degrees..... monday is supposed to be 98 degrees. It is much hotter here in the summer than it used be when I was a kid. June and July used to be such comfortable months. Shirley and I loved to go to the beach - 75 - 80 no humidity. We went to Wallaston beach or Nantasket. A lot of fun, very relaxing. It's not like that now. Much, much hotter, uncomfortable, more like Florida in the summer. I'm not liking it. It's hotter everywhere - my friend Joan called from Oakland, California - hot, hot, was not like that when I lived in Berkeley. It was actually quite chilly there in the summer and I missed my Boston summers, t shirt weather.

The one good thing going on is THE RED SOX, the best team in baseball ! It's  been a lot of fun watching them win, finding a way to win, coming from behind to win ! We beat the Yankees 15-7 Thursday night. Last night Rick Porcello pitched a gem - a complete game into the 9th inning, 4-1 win. Awesome and really fun to watch. Today we are up 3-0, bottom of the 6th. So far, Dave Dombrowski has made really good acquisitions - Steve Pearce (3 home runs in Thursday's game) and Ian Kinsler for second base. He is really good except he just went on the DL with other players who have hamstring problems.

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