Friday, September 28, 2018


My head is spinning. Democracy in action is a very messy, fluid, sometimes confusing process. I was watching the Judiciary Committee hearings where a vote was expected to advance Kavanaugh to the Senate for a full vote. Before Grassley called for a vote, in the eleventh hour, suddenly - no vote was taken while Sen. Jeff Flake (R), Sen.Coons (D) and some others huddled in a meeting. When they finally took their seats, Sen. Flake announced he is calling to advance Kavanaugh to the Senate with the caveat that there should be a one week delay for an FBI investigation 'no longer than one week.' WOW. A bi-partisan decision.....something we haven't seen in a long, long time. Sen. Joe Manchin (D) and Lisa Murkowski (R) also agreed with him. It's worth noting, Sen. Diane Feinstein said "What?" when Grassley gaveled the end of the meeting due to the "two hour rule." Even Feinstein didn't understand what had just happened and neither did I !! Who knew about the '2 hour rule.'

Jon Meacham, presidential historian called it a 'ray of light at the end of the tunnel. Jefferson said 'you should follow the truth wherever it may lead. " He called Sen. Coons, the 'Henry Kissinger' of the committee and Sen. Jeff Flake, 'the conscience' of the committee.

Deep breath. Like baseball, in politics, you never know what is going to happen...

Our reality TV prez agreed to have a 'supplemental investigation' lasting under a week. Sounds like 'political cover' rather than genuine 'search for truth.' Sen. Flake stated he wanted the 'process' not to be tainted which it would be by not having the FBI investigation. He said that was the reason for his request for a delay, not that he was accosted in an elevator by two women who yelled at him about their sexual assaults and the lack of being heard or believed. I saw that. It was very moving. One of the women was crying while she yelled at him. He looked pained rather than dismissive as most of the other Republican men act.

#METOO has not reached the GOP old, white, mens club......YET.....

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