Friday, September 28, 2018


I feel nauseated and drained from watching the Judiciary Committee hearings yesterday. Newsflash: White male patriarchy is still alive and well in America. Nevertheless, I see the privileged, white male boys' club that passes for the Republican Party as Dead Men Walking. They know it too; that is why they are holding tightly to their current Power with their cold, dead hands. Those men on the Judiciary Committee are obviously used to telling everybody what to do, especially WOMEN. So in the last gasp of white male privileged power, they are 'plowing through' (Mitch McConnell) with no FBI investigation and telling American women - "We do not care about you and yes, we will continue to have the right to tell you what you can and cannot do with your bodies, i.e. Abortion and Birth Control." This makes me furious ! Who do they think they are ????!!!! Kamala Harris questioned Kavanaugh re. if he knew of any legislation pending re. what men can and cannot do with their bodies." I love her for asking that question.

Sen. Amy Klobuchar: Kavanaugh was so rude, arrogant and disrespectful while answering her questions I could not believe it !!! She asked him about his drinking and he didn't like it. Instead of answering her he shot the question back at her ! "Do YOU enjoy drinking a beer ?" WHAT ?!?! She responded cordially, following Roberts Rules of Order. He responded with arrogance, sneering, hostility - you could see how viscerally uncomfortable he felt - he could not stand being questioned about his drinking, especially by a WOMAN !! If I was Amy Klobuchar I would not have been as cordial; I would have said, "Excuse me Mr. Kavanaugh, I AM THE ONE ASKING THE QUESTIONS, NOT YOU ! (And maybe, Shut Up ! Sen. Maisie Hirono actually told the men of America to Shut Up and Step Up. I love her too !)

We saw a different Brett Kavanaugh yesterday than the one in the previous hearings. Clearly he could not stand being on the hotseat. His mask slipped. I saw a mean, abusive alcoholic. Also, his playbook was 'the best Defense is a good Offense. Oh yeah, he came off angry and tearful. Tearful ! That's rich. Why was Brett Kavanaugh crying ? Not for Dr. Ford. HE WAS CRYING FOR HIMSELF and his ruined career and reputation going down in flames. Boo hoo.

Presidential Historian John Meacham said on MSNBC that the Democrats will pursue the sexual assault charges beyond a vote to confirm him. Good. I do wonder why neither of the two other women who came forward did not file a police report in Montgomery County, Maryland where there is no Statute of Limitations on sexual assault charges.

Confirmation of Kavanaugh is going to turn back the clock on womens' rights, indigenous peoples' rights, (Native Alaskans, Native Hawaiians) people of color's rights and healthcare, especially for women. This country is now for the 1% and only the 1%. Young people - get to work !

Finally, Judge Kavanaugh, imho should not be on the SCOTUS  due to his partisan outburst/rant - "It's a vast left wing conspiracy to smear HIM for revenge about the Clintons !" Well, tell us what you really think ! After his partisan histrionics, he should not be confirmed. Who could get a fair and impartial ruling from him? His mask was exposed. Questions are raised about his 'temperment and neutrality' - not a suitable candidate.

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