Monday, September 10, 2018


Leshanah tovah tikateiv veteichateim, "May you be inscribed and sealed for a good year." Another year has passed. Hard to believe.  I watched Rosh Hashanah services on the Jewish Broadcasting Service,, streaming live from the Central Synagogue in Manhattan. Although there is a synagogue right next door to me it is very crowded. I sent out some Rosh Hashanah e-cards and did hear back from Bernice. Laurie sent me this colorful apple jig saw e-card. Thinking of Michael and Shirley and Roby and aunt Ruth......and Bubbe and Zaidy.....Haven't heard from Ken.
Good Year = שנה תובה
The Central Synagogue is Reform. I've never seen a man on the bimah playing a banjo telling the story of the binding of Isaac, traditionally read on Rosh Hashanah......this is absolutely not the Woodrow Avenue Shul in The Central Synagogue is doing Taschlich at the East River - casting bread crumbs upon the water representing our 'sins' from the previous year.

I heard the Shofar blasts virtually this year. The plan is to go to TBZ next door tomorrow where they blow the shofars at the four cardinal points, N S E W. Hearing the blasts from four shofars is the loudest wake-up call I ever heard.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

A happier and healthier New Year to you.