Thursday, May 7, 2020



The press is doing a horrible job reporting the 'news' aka 'the fake news' and lies that come out of the president's mouth every day. I am not the only one who thinks so - see Margaret Sullivan in the WP. 

I am so sick and tired of hearing the opposite of truth, common sense, facts, science, etc. in the meantime, I am going to report the news myself. The president said today that social distancing guidelines will be discontinued on Thursday. Translation: he does not care how many people die, all he cares about is the stock market and the economy. The Age of Greed. The 1%.

We are not living in the Age of the Enlightenment.
We are not living in the Age of Reason.
We are not living in the Age of the Renaissance.
We are living in the Age of Greed.
The Age of Incompetence. 
The Age of Fascist Dictatorships which are on the rise while Democracy languishes. I experience visceral nausea on a daily basis upon hearing the opposite of Common Sense and Poisonous Partisan Divisiveness.
The Age of Corruption.
Massive corruption on a global scale.

Republicans insisted on having the Wisconsin Primary during this pandemic, forcing people to choose between risking their Lives and Voting ! What ?!?! That is called VOTER SUPPRESSION. And it is alive and well in southern states, Florida, Texas, the mid-west. Protestors, organized Protests by the conservative Right have taken to state capitals. Yesterday I saw a counter protest of first line medical workers who ARE RISKING THEIR LIVES in hospitals trying to save people from dying while protestors are putting everybody else's life in Danger !

This is not the Age of Reason. It is the Age of Greed, unbridled Capitalism, a Second Gilded Age with income disparity as it was before the Depression while the rich pay no taxes. Amazon pays no taxes and Jeff Bezos got a tax cut.


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