Tuesday, June 30, 2020


My mother passed away/transitioned on June 28, 2012. In the jewish calendar, it is 8 TAMMUZ, which is today.

"old age is a high price to pay for maturity" said Ken J. yesterday when we talked on the phone.

Meanwhile, Bob Dylan has appeared on the Billboard charts every decade since the '60's. He is doing good even at 79 ! Inspiration ! I have re-discovered him during this enforced isolation, watching live concerts that I missed. Now I have to listen to Visions of Johanna every day.

I have not blogged recently as I watched thousands of young people protest in the streets for three weeks in row. Finally ! It's the only way Change happens as I learned in the 60's and early 70's. They have picked up where we left off. Good.

And a lot of those confederate statues were pulled down. Good. As I said before, when you lose a war you do not get to have statues of your generals or fly your flag - because YOU LOST !

As I said before, the Civil War is not over. It is still playing out. America has reached a Reckoning on slavery. White people have to face it. It's uncomfortable to have those conversations but it is necessary.

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