Tuesday, September 15, 2020

MALDEN YEARS: 1965-1975


It's time to write about The Malden Years. Shirley re-married. She married Julius Silverman, Bookmaker from Malden. So we moved to Malden. I like to call it "schlepped along for the ride." From 104 American Legion Highway we moved to 55 Wigglesworth street into a two family house. We had the bottom floor. I liked it. Instead of a two bedroom apartment we moved into a House ! With porches, front and back. We lived there while Shirley and Julius built a new house on 45 Lillian Road.

Shirley and Julius went to Hawaii on their honeymoon. Looking back, that was the happiest I ever saw Shirley. When they came back she put all the Hawaii pictures into a photo album. She did not say one negative thing about the trip. Vintage Shirley - happy.

That photo album must have gotten thrown away after the divorce. Barry told me she called him one night when he was living in Revere. I think she was drinking and she said, "If you want the pictures and family movies, come and get them." He did not. So she threw the history of our lives into the trash.

Shirley got pregnant with Barry while we lived on Wigglesworth Street. When I asked her many years later why she had a baby so quickly she said "I didn't think I could get pregnant at my age." Ok. She was in her 30's. Another question: another 'strange' answer. 

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