Friday, October 5, 2018


Have you read the article in the Boston Globe by Lawrence Tribe, Constitutional Law scholar ? Roe v. Wade IS NOT SETTLED LAW ! If you believe that, I have a bridge to sell you. Sen. Lisa Murkowski voted NO. Jeff Flake voted Yes and that is very disappointing. Now it's down to Manchin and Collins.

"Don't Be Fooled, Senators Collins and Murkowski: Judge Kavanaugh would gut Roe v Wade."
Opinion by Lawrence Tribe, Boston Globe, 10.3.18.

The Executive branch has been compromised. The Legislative branch is compromised. Hanging by a thread is the Judicial branch.

We are living in a dangerously-close-to-Fascism time. Since the Executive branch refused to hand over all the documents to the Judiciary Committee, it is Fascist.

Listening to Susan Collins speaking on the Senate floor. I think she has dementia. Apparently she either has not read or does not agree with Lawrence Tribe that Roe v Wade is NOT 'settled law' ! Tribe said it is not. Who are you going to believe - a Constitutional Law scholar or senator Susan Collins. She is betraying her gender. As she is speaking the ABA is opening up a second investigation into Kavanaugh.

She sounds ludicrous. She will lose her next election in Maine. Bye bye Susan Collins.

Susan Collins has sided with Kavanaugh, "......this is a left wing conspiracy, orchestrated by the left."

Joe Manchin, Democrat stated he will vote for Kavanaugh.

I never thought I would see the day, in my lifetime, that all the hard won rights we fought for in the '70's will be rescinded.....civil rights, womens' right to choose, same sex marriage, LGBTQ rights, and environmental rights - the EPA is already compromised.

Tough to swallow - The Dead Men Walking, i.e. the good old boy network, i.e. the white male Patriarychy  emerged victorious. Another 30 years of old, white republican men dictating to women what they can and cannot do with their bodies. I AM FURIOUS.

Ok then, back to baseball - Sox vs. the Yankees tonight, best of 5.


Sox are winning 5-2, 6th inning.

Senator Sheldon Whitehouse spoke on the senate floor - very eloquently about how angry he is about the confirmation of Kavanaugh. He displayed large posters which quoted some of the l0 letters he received in Connecticut from women who told him about their sexual assault experiences. He uses visual aids very effectively. His speech was so moving, the next senator from Maine credited him with such a moving presentation he almost wanted to yield his time. It's very unusual to see a parade of men in the senate get up and speak so passionately on behalf of women. I give major props to the Dems on the Judiciary Committee. For a change of pace, they acted as a block - every one of them did the best they could to fight back.

GRrrr Susan Collins and Jeff Flake. What a flake ! (sorry I couldn't resist)

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