Saturday, October 27, 2018


YIKES ! Breaking news - our charmed Jewish lives in America appear to be over. Eight people are dead from a shooter INSIDE the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh during Shabbat services. I always felt 'safe' inside a synagogue. Not now. I almost went to TBZ (Temple Beth Zion), the synagogue next door to me, this morning but decided not to - tired from cheering on the Sox late last night. Today's plan, make chicken soup a la Bubbe.

"According to on-scene reports, the shooter shouted “All Jews must die” as he was firing into those present."

Dutch Jews arrived in America in the 1600's in New Amsterdam, aka New York. Possibly  Jews might have arrived on the Mayflower in 1492. Sephardic jews from Spain. Some say Columbus was Jewish. Some say the trip was financed by Spanish jews (not Queen Isabella)  looking to escape the Inquisition. FACT: Spain expelled all the Jews in 1492. So they needed someplace else to go. For either 400 + years or 600 + years, America has been a haven for the jews....until now.  More on those theories can be read here. 

FACT: While living in Berkeley, CA I was reading the San Francisco Chronicle. Buried on page 14, the headline said: Spain Apologizes for Expelling the Jews in 1492. I did the math. 500 years later, it's not too late to apologize.....

Today's tragic event is shocking, terrifying, surreal......

I don't know why Donald Trump can't be impeached FOR INCITING VIOLENCE. Yes I went there. Hate and anti-semitism has gone mainstream.....

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