Sunday, October 7, 2018


I woke up this morning feeling like I am in the film, Invasion of the Body Snatchers with Kevin McCarthy/Donald Sutherland. (Not Keanu Reeves) Everything looks the same, but It's Not. 

Watching/listening to sunday morning talk shows, a guest used the word 'plutocracy' to describe our current system of government -

Plutocracy: 'government by the wealthy. Think the tax break for the 1%.

"a country or society governed by the wealthy."

"an elite or ruling class of people whose power derives from their wealth."

I am not the only one furious, angry, disappointed and horrified by what happened yesterday.
Robert Redford states it well:
"I Feel Out of Place in the Country I was Born Into. 

"Powell and Albright say world is changing in disturbing Ways."
“I hope the president can come to the realization that he should really stop insulting people,” Powell said, adding, “We somehow have got to get back on track.”  Politico. YIKES !

"They Left No Doubt What They Think of Women." Opinion. Jennifer Rubin, Washington Post.

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